Vital Records Search
Vital Records Search/Certificate ApplicationThe fee for obtaining a certified copy of a birth/death/marriage certificate is $15.00 for the first copy of the record, and $6.00 for each additional copy of the same record purchased at the same time. Certified copies may be obtained at the Municipal Clerks' Office during regular business hours. Non-certified copies stamped "Not for Legal Use" are $5.00.
In order to obtain a certified copy through the mail; the applicant needs to fill out a vital records search application above and enclose a copy of proper identification and proof of lineage, if applicable. The application, along with the fee and a self-addressed, stamped envelope should be mailed to the Town Clerk at PO Box 149, Fairfield, ME 04937-0149. The request will be processed the same day it is received.
For more information, please refer back to: Birth, Marriage, Death