Public Works Winter Operations / Snow Removal
In order to plow and sand the roadways, sidewalks, and parking lots, winter snow removal assignments are divided among the public works crew who are given individual routes. Snow removal from sidewalks is normally performed either during or immediately following a storm, as conditions permit. Factoring in dead-end streets, numerous intersections, traffic volumes, etc., the time to plow the average route during periods of good visibility is three to four hours. During periods of heavy or wet snow it can take much longer. Other conditions such as lines down, accidents, equipment breakdowns, illnesses or injury of an employee or other family emergency must be factored into the length of time it may take, as routes become expanded to compensate for manpower or equipment shortages.
When a Snow Storm Begins - The Public Works Department does not generally have a direct contact number before 8:00 am or after 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Therefore, residents are urged to contact the Fairfield Police Department at 453-9321 to report any problems during periods outside our normal business hours. The Police dispatcher will notify our on-call supervisor. Shortly before or as precipitation begins moving into our area, the main arteries, connector roads, intersections and hills are treated with a sand and salt mixture. This helps to prevent snow from bonding to the pavement.
During the Storm - When nominal accumulations begin to occur, the rest of our crew is called in to begin plowing their assigned routes. Plowing and sanding operations continue until the snow stops. At all times during and after a storm, priority is given to keeping the best possible travel conditions on all Town streets. Because of increased costs for winter materials, applications of sand and salt will likely be limited to an initial treatment at the beginning of a storm and immediately following the conclusion of the storm. Primary arteries and major intersections may receive more numerous treatments, as conditions and situations require. Sleet and freezing rain events will obviously require more aggressive surface treatment applications.
When the Storm is Complete - When the snow ends, all routes are plowed again and, where possible, snow banks are pushed back to make room for future storms. All streets and parking lots are then sanded, where needed. It takes several more hours for the crew to clear the sidewalks that are normally cleared.
During some big storms, Public Works crews are on the job around the clock plowing and sanding. When the weather has cleared and the crews have had at least twenty-four hours to rest, snow removal begins. Snow removal consists of hauling snow away to a snow dump from areas such as the Main Street business district, municipal parking lots and busy intersections where snow obstructs the view of traffic. Snow removal priorities are very difficult to set and an effort is made to treat all business owners and citizens fairly. Snow removal takes several days to complete and is very expensive to accomplish. For these reasons, patience and understanding helps us realize that snow and cold temperatures are part of living in Maine.
- The decision to travel in winter storms (snow and/or icy conditions) is yours and yours alone, so please do not drive unless it is absolutely necessary. And please pay attention to all snow and travel advisories.
- Operators of plow vehicles need your help as much as you need theirs. They must devote their full attention to operating the plow equipment in addition to driving the vehicle. PLEASE ? Be patient and do not follow snow removal equipment too closely. Allow plenty of room for them to operate and do their jobs.
- Slow down! You may want and expect to be able to drive the speed limit but will you be able to stop safely and keep your vehicle under control in unexpected situations?
- If you MUST pass, pick a good place to do so. Plow trucks have a wing on the passenger side of the truck and straight sections of road that have guardrails or a bridge give the driver no place to go. Some areas like these are so narrow that with the wing down there is not enough room for the truck and a car. With several storms, already narrow residential streets can become even narrower. Again, please be patient. Snow removal personnel are trying to get the job done as quickly and as safely as possible.
- Do not park in the street, on shoulders or on sidewalks during storms or during snow removal operations. An overnight parking ban in the Town of Fairfield is effective from November 1 to March 31.
- Do not shovel, plow or blow snow onto roadways or sidewalks. This is prohibited by law and can cause a traffic hazard. It is best to place snow on the side of your driveway opposite the direction the plow approaches. This will allow the plow to carry snow away from your driveway instead of filling your driveway back in.
- If possible, wait until roads have been plowed and pushed back before clearing your driveway. There is no practical way to clear streets without depositing snow in driveways. Snow banks must be pushed back to provide drainage and room for the next storm. Please understand that the Town cannot return and clear private driveways.
- One real important issue we wish to remind parents about is the danger of children sliding into the roadway or building tunnels in the snow banks. This could turn into a very serious situation that everyone would certainly like to avoid, if at all possible. When our drivers are plowing or pushing snow banks back, they often do not know if there may be a child there. Please let your children know of the potential dangers during the storm and clean up period. You should monitor the outdoor activities of your children and your pets at all times.
- Help reduce the possibility of a broken mailbox post. All plow drivers are instructed to avoid mailboxes when possible. Experience tells us that in reduced visibility this is not always possible. Often mailboxes are damaged by the weight of the snow coming off from the plow and not the plow itself. State law provides that any installation within the highway right-of-way, including mailboxes, is placed at the owner's risk. Mailboxes should be placed at the maximum usable distance back from the pavement with a 42" mounting height. Rotted wooden posts and cross arms, if equipped, should be replaced prior to the winter season.
- Please be patient. Plowing, sanding, and snow removal takes time. During storms of long duration, crews work around the clock until everything is done. Our primary mission is to make roadways safe for the traveling public at a reasonable cost to our taxpayers.
No vehicle shall be parked on any street or way of the Town from November 1 to March 31 of the following year, between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Any vehicle so parked may be removed or caused to be moved within the scope of the towing guidelines of the Town of Fairfield.